Tomato & Lentil Soup

Tomato & Lentil Soup


3 tablespoons Wignalls Yallo Cold Pressed Rapeseed Oil
100 grams dried red split lentils
1ltr vegetable stock
2 x 400g tinned tomatoes
2 chopped onions


<span><img src=""></img></span>


Rinse the lentils as per pack instructions and drain
Using a large frying pan, heat the Yallo cold pressed rapeseed oil and fry the onions for a few minutes until soft and translucent.
Add the remaining ingredients, bring to the boil and stirring, then reduce heat and simmer until the lentils are cooked, around 25 minutes. Blend or liquidise and season with salt & pepper.

Try using with our Yallo Habenero Chilli oil for more of a kick!


<span><img src=""></img></span>